creating blog

Step 1: List of Google
Register yourself on Google
Lho koq? Koq on Google? Said taught to make a blog on, koq even at Google? No one, because to get into blogger, you must have logged in

Please visit You'll get a page as shown below.

If you already have a login in Google, you stay logged in, you'll go to Control Panel or Control Panel.

Oh yes, you can select the language, whether Indonesian or English.

For this time I think you do not already have a Google login.

Click the big arrow that says CREATE YOUR BLOG.

So far, very easy and will continue to ease.

First Page
Step 2: List of Blogs
Complete Your Registration
After you click the arrow that reads big CREATE YOUR BLOG, it will emerge as the existing form in the image below.

This process will create a Google account that you can use on other Google services. If you already have a Google account mungkn from Gmail, Google Groups, or Orkut.

A Google account can be used to access all the facilities provided by Google.

If you already have a google accout, you can simply log in (go). To login to Google, you must log in using your email address.

Please complete.

1. The email address you enter must already exist before. You'll be sent a confirmation to the email. If you use a fake email or email that the new plan will be created, then the registration may fail. You do not need to use email Any email can not.

2. Complete the other data.

3. Check "I accept the Terms and Services" as evidence that you agree. BTW you've read?

Once complete, click the arrow that says continue.

Registration Form 1

Registration Form 2
Step 3: Create a Blog
Choosing a Blog Name and Blog URL
If you are successful, you will be taken to a page as shown below. If it fails? Usually fail because you're wrong word verification. That is reasonable because the word verification is often difficult to read. The patient only, repeat until correct. I own up to repeat 3X.

After you successfully register, you'll be taken to a page like in the picture below. Now you begin to create a blog by filling in your name and address of your blog.

If you make a lens to promote your product or affiliate products, so in choosing a name, must contain the name of the product or service that you offer. For example, if you want to sell my ebook, you can choose key words such as motivation, success, positive thinking, and other key words as appropriate.

You can also research keywords that are most sought after people (of course must be related to the product you sell) on
https: / / / select / KeywordToolExternal

You can check availability for your chosen blog address. If available you can proceed. If not available, then you have to be creative to find a different name or modify an existing address, for example added abc, xzy, 101, and can also insert your name.

Continue to click the arrow labeled CONTINUE.

Blog Making Process
Step 4 Blog Templates
Choose a design according to your taste.
Successful? Course successfully, it is easy koq. If successful, you will be redirected to a page like in the picture below.

Select a theme according to your taste. If nothing is within their tastes, do not worry, I'll still many options that you can install the theme itself. Now just choose a theme for the blog creation process can be completed. You can preview themes with a click of the drawing.

Choosing a theme for your click (mark) o bulatannya as shown below. See what I pointed with my artificial red arrows.

After that you click the arrow that reads CONTINUE

Selecting Themes
Learning to Make Blog Done
Now we just posting, settings, and layout
Congratulations, now you already have a blog. Now you can already post your thoughts on the blog and shared by all the world (uh Indonesia).

Indeed there are still some things you should do, namely setting, layout, adding the element, and the replacement of the theme if you want another theme. This is for advanced.

At least, you already have a blog and can post. This was enough for the early stages. To explore the problem more in Blog, I encourage you to read eBook Money Blog gets.

In the ebook, not only taught how nge-blog, but also how to make money from blogging. I myself have proved it, I make money from blogging. Do not be surprised if my diligent blogging.

Kewell and Emerton train for Australia ahead of World Cup

Three bits of news for Australian football fans today and while none of it is bad news or going to get you that worried about your chances in South Africa, it is a little interesting. The news all comes from quite an intensive two hour training session last night and seeing as we always like good news at the end, we will start with the not so good news. The not so good news is that Everton midfielder Tim Cahill and the one player the Australian starting eleven can not do without if they are to stand a chance of getting past Ghana, Germany and Serbia, only took part in light training and is still suffering form the neck injury he picked up in the defeat to the USA last week. The good news is that one time bright prospect Harry Kewell took part in training and Blackburn midfielder Brett Emerton also completed the two hour session. It's good news for Australia and it will be even better if Tim Cahill is fit to play. Without him, we are not so sure.


Nama anggota Komisi I DPR dari Partai Demokrat (PD) Hayono Isman, disebut-sebut bakal menggantikan Anas Urbaningrum memimpin Fraksi PD di DPR. Hayono pun menyatakan kesiapannya memimpin Fraksi. "Saya nggak tahu kalau dicalonkan, kalau namanya penugasan ya harus siap," ujar Hayono saat dihubungi Hayono mengaku tak tahu namanya disebut sebagai calon pemimpin fraksi PD, namun dia tak mengelak jika harus menggantikan peran Anas Urbaningrum. Pria berkumis itu menyerahkan keputusan siapa yang akan memimpin Fraksi PD di DPR, sepenuhnya kepada Pimpinan PD saat ini, yakni Anas. "Kalau Ketua Fraksi ditunjuk pimpinan partai di DPP, Mas Anas yang memimpin," pungkasnya. Sebagaimana diberitakan, Ketua fraksi PD di DPR Anas Urbaningrum segera mundur dari keanggotaannya di parlemen. Selain Hayono, nama anggota DPR PD lainnya seperti Taufik Effendi, dan Jafar Hamzah juga disebut sebagai calon pengganti Anas sebagai ketua Fraksi
Beredar Foto seorang bayi dengan mata satu diberbagai media-media forum di internet, bayi yang diyakini lahir di Israel tersebut juga banyak menjadi perdebatan, karena sebagian diantara netters di forum, menyatakan bahwa bayi ini merupakan dajjal yang akan datang kedunia pada saat hari kiamat tidak lama lagi akan tiba. Berikut adalah foto bayi bermata satu yang banyak menimbulkan pro dan kontra dikalangan netters dan menjadi ajang perdebatan dibeberapa forum-forum internet

Lagu Bangun Pemudi Pemuda

Bangun pemudi pemuda Indonesia
Tangan bajumu singsingkan untuk negara
Masa yang akan datang kewajibanmulah
Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa
Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa

Sudi tetap berusaha jujur dan ikhlas
Tak usah banyak bicara terus kerja keras
Hati teguh dan lurus pikir tetap jernih
Bertingkah laku halus hai putra negri
Bertingkah laku halus hai putra negri